Empowering Safe Institutions: Leadership… | Full Stop Australia

Empowering Safe Institutions: Leadership Strategies to Address and Prevent Gendered Violence

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This workshop helps leader understand how power can be misused in the workplace, develop strategies to promote gender equality and drive and foster cultural change.

Leaders play a critical role in creating workplace culture

Guiding leaders to develop solutions to create or maintain workplace culture that is intolerant of sexual assault, harassment and bullying is critical.

Ensure organisational culture actively promotes gender equality

Achieving gender equality in workplaces is critical to preventing violence against women. Gender equality in workplaces is also linked to improved productivity, increased organisational performance, economic growth, and retaining employees [Source: WGEA].

In this workshop, participants will:

  • Increase their understanding of gendered violence and gender inequality
  • Understand how power can be misused in the workplace and how perpetrators of violence use power and control
  • Identify responses to trauma
  • Discuss actions that prevent violence against women
  • Create action plans to drive and foster cultural change in the workplace

The workshop includes complex case studies that focus on developing solutions based on the needs of the person experiencing violence.

Duration Appropriate for Maximum participants
1 day Executive teams, Managers, Supervisors, Department heads, People & Culture/Human Resources teams 20

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