If you have been impacted by sexual, domestic or family violence, it's not your fault.
There are many ways for you to get the support you need.
One of our expert counsellors will listen to you and they will believe you.
We will work with you in the way that suits you best. You can decide how we move forward to help you to address the impacts of what you have experienced.
It doesn't matter how long ago it happened. We are here to offer you support.
We can also assist you with accessing services to support your immediate needs, telling family and friends, and getting medical support.
On this page
It's not okay
Violence and abuse is never acceptable and you are not responsible for any form of abuse you have experienced.
There are many excuses that can be used to justify abusive behaviour but it is important to remember that people choose to be violent and abusive.
It's not your fault
You may ask ‘how did I allow myself to get into this situation and what did I do?’ Violence and abuse are usually experienced as a gradual process and often we don't realise it's happening to us until it's too late.
In a relationship, it may start with subtle put downs or the breaking down of your boundaries until it comes to a point where you begin to feel unsafe.
Often the first indication that there is something wrong with the way you are being treated is how you feel. You may feel:
- Uneasy
- Tense
- Confused
- Like something isn’t right
Trust your feelings/gut instinct – they are important. If you think sexual, domestic or family violence may be occurring in your relationship, think about how you feel when you are with your partner.
Your safety is the most important thing
It is a common misunderstanding that it is easy for a person to leave a violent, controlling and abusive relationship.
Leaving an abusive relationship permanently can take on average six attempts; each time the person may find they become stronger, clearer and more confident.
The number of barriers faced by people leaving an abusive relationship may seem overwhelming but it is important to remember that many people leave violent relationships and rebuild safe and fulfilling lives.
It's important to remember safety may not occur immediately after leaving a violent situation. Separation can be the time of greatest danger. It is important to have a clear safety plan before you leave. We are here 24/7 to support you to develop this for your own situation.
Support is available
Leaving an abusive relationship is a positive choice for you, however, the process can still be difficult.
It is helpful to have the support of people who are experienced with helping others in abusive relationships.
Find out about and use community resources for support. These may include:
- Support groups
- Single parent support services
- Free community counselling services
- Recreation centres
- Educational resources
Click here to visit our services directory to find support options in your state or territory.
Click here to learn what you can expect when speaking to a Full Stop Australia counsellor.