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May 21 2024

How to have a conversation with someone who is experiencing domestic violence. "People make a choice to be abusive, to use controlling behaviour, and there's actually never an excuse for it," said Director of Clinical and Client Services @FullStopAus, Tara Hunter. Written by Belinda Jepsen.

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May 14 2024

'A choice of survival': Sally left her abuser. She often thinks it would've been easier to stay. "If you've got a partner that tracks all your finances and how you spend your money, you have no way of building up some sort of fund to actually escape." said Director of Clinical and Client Services @FullStopAus, Tara Hunter

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May 5 2024

Horror and fury in Australia as epidemic of violence against women sweeps across the country. “I find myself saying [in media interviews] please don’t forget about us next week when the news cycle moves on." said CEO of @FullStopAus, Karen Bevan.

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March 8 2024

'Bad vibes' and sinister incidents: These are the areas where women feel unsafe. "What people think safety is and (how) safety is lived is quite different. Architecture, public spaces and other environments have been designed with men at the centre: designed by men, for men," said CEO of @FullStopAus, Karen Bevan.

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May 18 2024

I never thought my friend could hit his wife until I moved in with them. Now I feel complicit. "People are testing boundaries and they're trying stuff out, and we get immediate feedback from our peers that helps us decide what choices we make," said CEO of @FullStopAus, Karen Bevan.

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May 13 2024

Banks blocking thousands of abusive messages sent in transfer descriptions in apps. "When we're talking about the abuse that happens in transactional issues, there's ongoing intimidation, abuse, and psychological fears," said Director of Clinical and Client Services @FullStopAus, Tara Hunter.

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April 26 2024

Australia's domestic violence 'crisis' — and how you can support someone experiencing it. "We might notice that somebody starts to withdraw a little bit from their social circle; they might start being more anxious about how they spend their money, what might be going on socially, they might be less interested in attending," said CEO of @FullStopAus, Karen Bevan.

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January 16 2023

Mapping safety: avoiding trouble in public spaces. Karen Bevan, CEO of @FullStopAus says "It's important to get venue owners, councils, and everyday people on board and to create a shared sense of responsibility for what happens in public spaces."

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December 13 2023

The NSW Women’s Advisory Council met for the first time today – here’s how it will work. Congratulations to @FullStopAus Director of Clinical and Client Services, Tara Hunter, on her appointment.

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November 12 2023

Too many women have been killed this year – this is a national crisis not a “personal” problem. "Prevention and response services are profoundly under-resourced. If we expect to end sexual, domestic and family violence in a generation (as per the National Plan), then more needs to be done" said @FullStopAus CEO, Karen Bevan

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August 12 2023

Maya's marriage turned into a nightmare. Women like her are being left out in the cold. “This year we are seeing 15 to 20 per cent increase in call demand.” said @FullStopAus Acting CEO and Director of Clinical and Client Services, Tara Hunter.

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July 9 2023

Domestic violence-focused Operation Amarok III makes 592 arrests, lays more than 1,000 charges across NSW. "What it demonstrates is that there are a lot of people out there that are not complying with AVOS," said @FullStopAus Director of Clinical and Client Services, Tara Hunter.

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June 14 2023

Support hotline warns parliament, media that Brittany Higgins's case seeks to 'dehumanise' victim-survivors."What some of this messaging says to me is almost 'think again' before you speak around what's happened to you and that feels really concerning." said @FullStopAus Director of Clinical and Client Services, Tara Hunter.

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November 19 2023

‘I’m in a really good place’: The courage of abuse survivor Anna Coutts-Trotter. "Support lines are the starting points for many survivors. So a good . example of that is Full Stop Australia, and they’re the kind of organisation that can assist people in figuring out what it is that their next step should be because it is different for every single survivor." said Anna.

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August 23 2023

New figures paint stark picture of sexual violence and harassment in Australia. “It's so important that the funding is directed to the frontline services that really know how to use it best and who are actually providing vital care and support to victim-survivors,” said @FullStopAus Head of Advocacy, Emily Dale.

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July 22 2023

Uncharted territory: do AI girlfriend apps promote unhealthy expectations for human relationships? “Given what we know already that the drivers of gender-based violence are those ingrained cultural beliefs that men can control women, that is really problematic.” said @FullStopAus Director of Clinical and Client Services, Tara Hunter.

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June 21 2023

Media don’t help. They enable violence against women and fuel the backlash. Hard-won momentum gained over the past decade when it comes to the media's reporting of violence against women seems to have stalled. By Kristine Ziwica.

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March 3 2022
Listening to the voices of survivors is vital for creating safe environments. Reporting tools should be implemented in all institutions.
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March 6 2022
2021 was a big year for women and the important message of ending gender-based violence, injustice and inequality in Australia. This campaign will hopefully turns words into action! Well done to all involved!
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March 11 2022
Great news for Geelong’s Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre! The service had already met its annual target for family violence case management and therapeutic support in January. Seven specialised DV workers will be an amazing boost!
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March 18 2022
We’re proud to be part of the @Power2Prevent Coalition calling for urgent reform to prevent sexual harassment at work. All remaining recs from the Respect@Work report must be implemented. Safe workplaces are productive workplaces.
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March 21 2022
We applaud @ourANU’s commitment to stopping sexual assault. One more positive step to putting a full stop to sexual violence 👏👏👏
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March 23 2022
1 in 6 Australian university students have been sexually harassed. 1 in 20 sexually assaulted. Half don't know where to report sexual violence nor where to access support. "This has to change", says @FullStopAus CEO, @HayleyFoster_ "Fast."
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March 24 2022
Spike in domestic violence after bottle shop hours extended. "We now have the info available to make some very deliberate decisions around the easy availability of alcohol," said @FullStopAus CEO @HayleyFoster_
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March 26 2022
“On any given night, 50,000 Australian women face homeless, most of them escaping domestic violence,” @FullStopAus@HayleyFoster_ told @SkyNewsAust. “We won’t eradicate this crisis just by changing attitudes…we have to break the cycle.”
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March 29 2022
What The Budget's $1.3 Billion Gets Right About Domestic Violence—And What It Gets Wrong. The Morrison Government has fallen short in a crucial sector writes @jessiepullar at @marieclaireau
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March 30 2022
More on the Federal Budget 2022: Cameras, bug sweeps in DV security upgrades. What this means for women and children's safety writes National Social Affairs Reporter @juliejourno @couriermail
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April 3 2022
Qld Stalking laws set to be strengthened.
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April 4 2022
Hannah Clarke inquest: Sex demand a sign you could be in danger. @FullStopAus CEO @HayleyFoster_ caught up with @natalieisbrown at @newscomauHQ to discuss this form of abuse and it’s impacts.
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April 7 2022
Victorian Law Reform Commission calls for tougher penalties for 'grab and drag' assaults - plus streamlined victims compensation. Important changes for victims of violent crime in Victoria. Other jurisdictions should follow.
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April 8 2022
“We all know what the defence is going to try to do to us in the courtroom – discredit us, trip us up, humiliate us.” Sex assault survivor’s traumatic fight for justice during years of delays. It’s time for serious reform.
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April 11 2022
In the last few years in NSW, we’ve had:

  • 32% in ADVOs granted,
  • 145% in ADVO compliance checks, &
  • 56% in prosecutions for ADVO breaches

ADVOs are an important tool to increase safety, but they must form part of a comprehensive safety plan.
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April 12 2022
Domestic abuse survivor still in regional Qld crisis shelter after 14 months. @katrina_beavan shines a spotlight on the plight of women in rural Australia unable to access housing after escaping from family violence.
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April 23 2022
Drink spiking: Bystanders have the biggest role. If you think you think you may have been assaulted after having your drink spiked, confidential support is available 24/7 on 1800FULLSTOP (1800 385 578)
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May 3 2022
Full Stop Australia designs & delivers vicarious trauma management solutions with & for helping professionals. Check out our training & professional service offerings here. Everyone deserves to be safe at work.
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May 4 2022
National Women's Safety Alliance releases plan to put a full stop to sexual, domestic and family violence #InOneGeneration. “Whoever wins government after 21 May must hit the reset button” said CEO, @Ren_Hamilton.
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May 5 2022
The 3 yr plan to address gendered violence – whomever takes govt. “Right now, calls are going unanswered, services are reduced” says @Ren_Hamilton CEO @nwsaau. “We can’t rest on our laurels” says @FullStopAus CEO @HayleyFoster_
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May 10 2022
@FullStopAus commend the @AnnastaciaMP Govt & @ShannonFentiman in particular for accepting all 89 of the Women's Safety and Justice Taskforce recs based on 700+ submissions. This $363 mil reform package will save lives.
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May 16 2022
@fairwork_gov_au hands down landmark decision to legislate 10
days domestic violence leave. “It’s impossible not to be overcome with joy right now. This is going to be an absolute game changer”-@HayleyFoster_
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May 18 2022
Sexual assault support services across Australia struggling to cope with record demand. Advocates call for #election commitment to fix problem in next term of government.
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May 18 2022
Sexual assault support services across Australia struggling to cope with record demand. Advocates call for #election commitment to fix problem in next term of government.
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November 30 2022
‘Flood society with help’: FullStop Australia gives platform to 12 domestic violence survivors to advocate for change.⁩
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March 1 2022
Sexual violence frontline services have been forgotten in NSW.
The NSW Sexual Violence Helpline is not a luxury – it’s an essential service and should be adequately funded as such.
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March 7 2022
Sexual violence services remain underfunded while government depts continue to shift responsibility. At the end of the day, when someone calls our service they don't care where the funding comes from. They just want to speak to a person, not a voicemail.
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March 18 2022
Powerful new $46 mil campaign will encourage parents, coaches and community members to have conversations with young people about #respect in a bid to prevent violence against women.
Important measure to #StopItAtTheStart
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March 18 2022
36 yo, Kylie Griffiths has died & a 17 yo girl has been seriously injured after a suspicious Melbourne house fire. Kylie's 38 year old husband is under police guard. Our hearts are with their family & friends at this time. We are so sorry.
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March 22 2022
Kanye West vs the world: when abusive behaviour is called out. “We just think that’s part of a bad breakup. But it’s actually not. It’s really abusive behaviour" says @FullStopAus Counselling Services Director, Tara Hunter.
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March 24 2022
Violent pornography access from the age of 10 a factor in a 44% increase in indecent assaults in school. We have to have these conversations with our kids before they have their first intimate relationships.
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March 26 2022
JUST IN $52.3 million funding boost for Lifeline
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March 26 2022
Devastating news from Newcastle NSW. MacKenzie Anderson, 21 yrs has been fatally stabbed. Her 3 yr old was found at the scene. MacKenzie’s ex-partner, Tyrone Thompson, 22 yrs is expected to be charged. Tyrone was recently released on parole with an AVO.
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March 30 2022
More on the Federal Budget 2022: Cameras, bug sweeps in DV security upgrades. What this means for women and children's safety writes National Social Affairs Reporter @juliejourno @couriermail
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April 1 2022
Terrible news from Adelaide Hills, SA. A woman, 62 years, has been found dead at her home. A 36 year old man known to her had been arrested for her murder. Thinking of her family and friends right now.
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April 3 2022
$5.5 mil awarded to @Zahra_Aust to deliver a new national specialist FDSV financial counselling service.
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April 4 2022
The Auditor-General has urged an overhaul of the NSW Police force approach to domestic violence, including:

  • better data collection and analysis,
  • improved resourcing, and
  • collaboration with stakeholders.

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April 7 2022
QLD domestic violence offences increased 17% during pandemic. Sexual violence offences increased 20% in the same period. With more and more people coming forward, we must ensure specialist support services have the resources to respond.
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April 9 2022
PM announces new ministerial standards. Staff will have “duties to take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect their own health & safety while at work, & the health and safety of others.”
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April 12 2022
Domestic violence victim victorious in fight to overturn 'woefully inadequate’ compensation. A DV victim who endured 6 years of beatings and strangulation has taken on a multimillion-dollar government bureaucracy – and won.
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May 1 2022
Children and young people “are often the silent victims in domestic and family violence”, not just “passive bystanders or witnesses” - says Tara Hunter
@FullStopAus Counselling Services Director.
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May 3 2022
Another devastating and preventable death. Chen Cheng, 35 years, was found dead from her injuries at her Croydon home. Her husband, Adam Brown, 40 years, has been charged with her murder.
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May 4 2022
Women's Safety should be front and centre in this election. @Ren_Hamilton CEO @nwsaau spoke with @ThomasOriti on @abcnews this morning to share our road map to end the violence #InOneGeneration.
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May 6 2022
Justice system is broken for sexual assault survivors. It’s time to fix it. @jessiepullar @lucycochran launch @ELLEaus’s campaign for justice.
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May 10 2022
Constance Hall: Johnny Depp case proves society has "failed women". Hayley Foster agrees:
"Unfortunately these kinds of attitudes & myths are a major deterrent for victim-survivors to speak out". Call 1800FULLSTOP for support.
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May 12 2022
Election 2022: Delays & high demand hamper payments to escape domestic violence. “Let’s improve partnerships with frontline domestic violence agencies to make the funds immediately available to people escaping violence when they need them” – @HayleyFoster_
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May 15 2022
Sexual harassment complaints up by 25%! It’s time for workplaces to step up to better prevent & respond to sexual violence. Support is available at 1800 FULLSTOP (1800 385 578) &
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May 18 2022
Domestic Violence Leave must be accompanied by cultural change in the workplace. “Employees need to feel safe and supported to disclose domestic violence & seek support from their employer.” @HayleyFoster_ spoke with @bairdjulia last night on #ABCTheDrum
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May 21 2022
Johnny Depp, Amber Heard trial: What makes a ‘good’ victim? “Sometimes we freeze. Sometimes we try to get away. Sometimes we fight back”, explains @HayleyFoster_
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May 25 2022
NSW Government launches new campaign in lead-up to new sexual consent laws. “This new law and education campaign marks the beginning of a new era for respectful relationships” said ⁦@HayleyFoster_
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