On this page
For support
Full Stop Australia provides free 24/7 telephone and online counselling. If you have experienced violence or abuse we are here to help you.
If you are a non-offending family member or friend of someone who has experienced violence, we can also support you.
Full Stop Australia has access to a free telephone interpreting service. Please let the counsellor know if you need an interpreter and we will arrange it for you.
Our counsellors are available on 1800 FULL STOP (1800 385 578).
Healing and Recovery Service (HeRS) Counselling Program
Full Stop Australia counsellors are available in Women’s Health Centres throughout NSW. The service is free of charge and childcare is available in some centres.
For further information, please contact intake@fullstop.org.au or 02 8585 0368.
Training enquiries
Full Stop Australia is happy to assist with any training queries including booking and pricing. To find out more, please contact:
Email: training@fullstop.org.au
Phone: (02) 8585 0333 Fax: (02) 9555 5911
Alternatively, you can complete the enquiry form located on our training pages and a staff member will be in touch.
General enquiries
ABN 58 023 656 939
Email: info@fullstop.org.au
Phone: (02) 8585 0333 Fax: (02) 9555 5911
Post: PO Box 555 Drummoyne NSW 2047
These contacts are for general administration only.
If you require counselling, please ring 1800 385 578.
Media enquiries
A range of Full Stop Australia staff members are available for media comment. To request interviews, please contact:
The Media Team
Telephone: 0448 716 265
Email: media@fullstop.org.au
Feedback and complaints
Full Stop Australia values feedback from clients, professional and other services. The feedback is used to improve the services offered.
You can provide us with feedback by:
- Writing to us
- Completing an online feedback survey:
Please address your written feedback to: clinicaldirector@fullstop.org.au or post it to:
Full Stop Australia
PO Box 555
Drummoyne NSW 2047
Making a complaint
As we view a complaint as an opportunity to improve our service, making a complaint will not affect your access to any of our services.
There are several ways you can let us know about your concerns in relation to any service we provide:
- If you are talking with a counselling service, let the counsellor know that you want to make a complaint.
- Send an email to complaints@fullstop.org.au
- Calling our complaints line on (02) 8585 0310
- Write to:
Full Stop Australia
PO Box 555
Drummoyne NSW 2047
If you choose option 1 or 2, the person you reach out to will collect your contact details and pass them on to the senior member of the organisation who is responsible for investigating complaints.
If you choose to speak to a counsellor (option 1), she will not discuss your complaint with you other than to ensure that you have the right to make a complaint and collect your contact details. She will also continue to provide any other service you are requesting at that time.
The senior person investigating your complaint will contact you. They will ask you to provide information about your complaint. Where you have provided that information in an email or by mail, they will confirm that the information has been received.
They will let you know how the complaint will be investigated and the expected timeframe.
They will also ask if you would like feedback on the outcome of the investigation and how you would like that to be provided.
Privacy and confidentiality
Full Stop Australia is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience.
Our services are confidential and people can contact us anonymously if they would prefer.
Our counsellors work as a team and a call may be answered by any one of them each time.
We keep confidential records of all contact that our counsellors have with people who use our services. This means those who contact us don't have to repeat themselves. The records also help counsellors pass on information to other counsellors about what each person wants to achieve.
If we believe that a caller or someone else is in imminent danger, or if we hold concerns for the safety or welfare of any children, we may need to share information with others who can help.
We will discuss these concerns with callers should they come up. If we do need to share information, we will only share what is absolutely necessary to ensure someone's safety.
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights of those who contact us
People who contact our service by telephone, online or face to face have the right to be:
- Treated with dignity, compassion and respect;
- Offered a non-judgemental service;
- Informed of the services available;
- Provided with best practice interventions;
- Consulted in the development of a care plan
- Have their culture, class, age, ability, gender identity and sexual preference respected
- Have their confidentiality and privacy honoured within the confines and limitations of the service we provide.
Full Stop Australia supports and encourages anyone's right to provide feedback to the service.
This includes complaining when they feel the service has not been appropriate.
Responsibilities of those who contact us
When accessing Full Stop Australia telephone, face to face and online counselling services, we ask that people:
- Access the services about issues relating to sexual assault, family or domestic violence;
- Do not threaten staff, or be aggressive or abusive to them;
- Be truthful and forthcoming with personal details when developing a case management plan;
- Work toward the agreed case management goals;
- Abide by the boundaries set in the case management plan; and
- Provide non-identifying details so the organisation can be accountable.