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Full Stop Australia is one of the country’s leading sexual, domestic and family violence response and recovery services. Established in the early 1970s by a group of feminists in Redfern, Sydney, the organisation now reaches communities in every state and territory, with the following key focus areas:

Support: offering free, 24/7, confidential, trauma specialist counselling to people of all genders who have been subject to sexual, domestic and family violence, as well as their friends, colleagues and family members.

Advocacy: encouraging governments, businesses, and communities to make changes to laws, policies, and practices to better prevent and respond to sexual, domestic and family violence.

Education: offering best-practice training and professional services to support safe and respectful workplaces, educational environments, and communities.

Putting a full stop to violence is everyone’s business.


Our expert counsellors and care coordinators are all trauma-specialists. They understand the impacts of violence and abuse and work with each person in an empowering and strength-based way to support them to manage and recover from the trauma they have experienced.

Full Stop Australia’s counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via telephone or online chat. We also provide face-to-face counselling in a number of locations across NSW.


Full Stop Australia’s Advocacy team provides direct advice to government, to strengthen law reform that protects victim-survivors. Our National Survivor Advocate Program is central to this work, ensuring the expertise of those with lived experience is highlighted.


Every workplace. Every industry. Full Stop Australia offers best-practice consultancy, training and education services to help you create a safe, supportive and compliant workplace. Our professional services support workplace wellbeing and manage secondary or vicarious trauma and burnout.